2 videos Last updated on June 6, 2019
Introduction provided by: David Stevens, MD of NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation

Presented by:
Olga Filipova, MD, Medical Director, Sunset Park Adult Medicine Department, Lutheran Family Health Centers and Isaac Moshenyat, MD, Gastroenterologist, Lutheran Family Health Centers

This CME accredited training webcast reviews colon cancer pathology, incidence and prevalence, risk factors, and screening methods. It also provides strategies and tools for clinicians and healthcare providers to improve CRC screening rates in Russian-speaking communities.

Acknowledgements: a special thank you to Cancer Prevention and Control Program NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, C5 NY Citywide Colon Cancer Control Coalition, NYCDOHMH Public Health Preventive Medicine (PHPM) Residency Program, and NCI grant #s: R01 CA119014, 3R01 CA87776-04S1, and R01 CA87776.

Sponsored by the:
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Cancer Prevention and Control Program